Monday, May 16, 2011

Monday, Monday

It's 1:08 pm and I'm sitting here in my pajamas! I'm not proud, but I am comfortable! We have been busy, busy so I thought we'd take the morning to just unwind and enjoy being stuck in on a rainy day. It panned out well for me this time.

Last week we had two chances to go out to dinner and be adults without children, it was glorious! It wasn't well planned in that both times we ate hibachi, but that's okay, remember the part about no kids...eating fried worms probably would have been fine too! I can't really remember the last time we went out with friends, no kids, no guilt and one of the two times, no bill :) It reminded me of the importance of still going on dates with your spouse, even after you have kids. We stink at this for two reasons. We don't have the money to go do what Prince Charming would deem as fun AND babysitting. My mom, who is the best mom ever, watches my kids a lot while I go to my part-time job. For this reason, we hesitate to ask her in the evenings and on weekends. We don't want to take advantage...the problem is, if we don't use mom then we have to pay...and that just ramps up the cost of the date even more! Ugh...enough whining!

The next two weekends are packed with parties...graduation, wedding showers and a birthday! I'm looking forward to seeing lots of friends and family but I do like a quiet weekend here and there. I know, I know...who has a quiet weekend with two little kids at home. I just mean no plans. Then we can sit around in our pajamas, have pancakes for breakfast and go to whatever playground we want. That's a quiet Saturday for us...I don't see one in my future!

As you can see, I really have nothing to say today...just rambling on and on about nothing. But that's okay, because again, I'm in my pajamas at 1:21 pm and I'm comfortable. My two beautiful children are taking thier naps, the laundry is done, grocery list is ready and tonight I get to be with some of my favorite females! Life is good, even on a rainy Monday :)

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